Current Showreel

Saturday 9 November 2019

Personal Notes on getting started with GNU/Linux & Ubuntu

I finally got around to installing a Linux distro on my machine (Ubuntu). Here are some notes that I wanted to make sure I have for future reference:

(Much of this is taken from the YouTube channel here:)

Filesystem notes:

C:\Users = /home
C:\Windows = /root (This is not 100% accurate equivalency. root is actually a user that is the admin user for the machine.)
(ie USB) = /media

Terminal/BASH Cheatsheet

BASH stands for Born Again SHell

Colour codes NB: This isn't the same of every disto:
Blue = Folder
Green = Program/Binary
White = file
Teal = link/symlink(?)


clear = clear's the terminal (eq tq cls in windows)
echo = prints what you put in quotes after the cmd (like windows does)
pwd = (print's the working directory)
~ = (shorthand/shortcut for home dir)
cat = (shows the contents of a file)
which = (show if and where a cmd/program/binary lives)
cp = (copies files)
diff = (tells you if files are different, If they're the same then there's no output)
. = refers to current dir
..  = refers to dir that's one level up from current
mv =  used for moving files but ALSO renaming files.

Nano (basic test editor (ie notepad)
^ refers to Ctrl so Ctrl+G shows the help menu.

Bash scripting:

All scripts must start with a "Hash Bang" aka "She Bang": 


You must make the bash file you've save an executable with:
chmod +x your_filename

Setting Variables

NB: Whitespace is not allowed
msg="Hi There"

Addressing Variables

use $ as a prefix
echo $msg
echo $number

You can pass variables to the bash script. Address them using $ where is the number of the argument.

echo $1  # prints out first arg passed 
echo $2  # prints our second arg passed

If/Else syntax

if [ $MY_VAR -eq 200 ]
    echo "my var is equal to 200"
    echo "ma var is not equal to 200"

Thursday 24 January 2019

Berlin & Paris

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe 
Kiki Grey


Kiki Black



Musée de l'Orangerie 

Versailles gardens