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Friday 26 October 2018

Help installing USD

I've installed USD on my machine at work from here:

it's a bit of a faff as you need quite a few things to get it working:

As noted in the documentation you need:

You also need to have pyside and PyOpenGL libraries

I couldn't remember how you install these with pip so here's a breakdown

1. open cmd line
2. type pip install

You also need to make sure that the pyside-uic script is accessible in the PATH variable. This can be a per user edit if you don't have admin permissions to do it system wide.

pyside-uic should be located in /Scripts (eg C:\Users\tom.fw\Python27\scripts)

I believe that you also have to set up the pyside-uic variable for the PYTHONPATH variable too. 

I also found it was easier to add the the python root directory to the PATH variable so that you can just type python to run python.exe (ie no need for the full path).

When you've done this it's time to try and install USD you need to run the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio.

Assuming that you've installed Visual Studio you'll be able to type Dev into the start menu and it should come up. (make sure that you've set all the enviroment variables before running the Cmd prompt as it needs to be re-started for them to be in that session of the Cmd prompt)

To install USD from the cmd line you need to type:


if you want to make sure you install the maya plugins then add --maya after the eg:
/build_scripts/ --maya

full example:
python C:\Users\tom.fw\PycharmProjects\USD\build_scripts\ --maya C:\Users\tom.fw\USD_INSTALL

NB: The install process takes quite a while (approx 20-30 mins) and can use up all the CPU power during that time. (Basically don't install it if you're busy)

Wednesday 21 February 2018

List all vray nodes in maya

It's a bit dumb but I didn't know how to do this.

Turns out the best way to is use the maya.cmds.pluginInfo command with some flags. See below for example:


import maya.cmds as mc
vray_node_list = mc.pluginInfo("vrayformaya", q=True, dn=True)